Berne – Canton Other realised projects in the canton of Berne (click on the picture): Abstract Venue/date Object Topic Bienne 2.10.13 298.01 Grotto Characterization of a mortar Bolligen 21.12.11 220.01 Wegmühle Analysis and advice for the repair of the facades Bümpliz 14.4.12 234.01 Church, room 7, layer 266 Material analysis Evilard-Leubringen 2.5.16 429.01 Villa Felsenburg Characterization of a mortar Gsteig bei Gstaad 24.11.15 409.01 Mühlegässli 4 Mortar analysis Gümligen 3.5.13 289.01 Hofgut Analysis of salt efflorescence Hilterfingen 2.3.11 190.01 Hünegg castel, cellar Materials analysis Hilterfingen 2.5.16 190.03 Hünegg castel, grotte Characterization of a mortar Jegenstorf 8.5.14 341.01 Castel Render analysis Jegenstorf 22.7.15 341.02 Castel Render analysis Meiringen 26.9.07 17.01 Church spire Study of humidity problems Münsingen 16.4.07 11.01 Roman mosaics Salt analysis Münsingen 25.9.08 11.02 Roman mosaics Research of the degradation causes Moutier 14.4.09 90.01 Chapel of Chalière Evaluation of an external render Moutier 28.4.10 90.02 Chapel of Chalière Evaluation of an external render Moutier 14.11.11 90.03 Chapel of Chalière Evaluation of an external render Moutier 30.11.16 458.01 Rue du Château 11 Opinion on the degradation causes and advices Oberhofen am Thunersee 20.01.17 465.01 Castel Paint analysis Ringgenberg 9.7.12 200.01 Church Climate measurement and material moisture measurement Saicourt 28.2.14 300.01 Bellelay, domaine agricole Opinion on the degradation causes and advices Seeberg 28.01.14 318.01 Cuno Amiet house Paint analysis Tavannes 5.12.14 354.01 Eglise cath. du Christ Roi, façades of the tour Paint analysis